Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Lifted from Versacelitterbox

I am very much pro-feminist. I still tell sick chauvinist jokes, but I am an equal opportunity offender.

I lifted this from versacelitterbox

thank a feminist...

If you're female and... can vote, thank a feminist. get paid as much as men doing the same job, thank a feminist. went to college instead of being expected to quit after high school so your brothers could go because "You'll just get married anyway", thank a feminist. can apply for any job, not just "women's work", thank a feminist can get or give birth control information without going to jail, thank a feminist.
...your doctor, lawyer, pastor judge or legislator is a woman, thank a feminist. play an organized sport, thank a feminist. can wear slacks without being excommunicated from your church or run out of town, thank a feminist.
...your boss isn't allowed to pressure you to sleep with him, thank a feminist. get raped and the trial isn't about your hemline or your previous boyfriends, thank a feminist. start a small business and can get a loan using only your name and credit history, thank a feminist are on trial and are allowed to testify in your own defense, thank a feminist. own property that is solely yours, thank a feminist. have the right to your own salary even if you are married or have a male relative, thank a feminist. get custody of your children following divorce or separation, thank a feminist. get a voice in the raising and care of your children instead of them being completely controlled by the husband/father, thank a feminist.
...your husband beats you and it is illegal and the police stop him instead of lecturing you on better wifely behavior, thank a feminist. are granted a degree after attending college instead of a certificate of completion, thank a feminist. can breastfeed your baby discreetly in a public place and not be arrested, thank a feminist. marry and your civil human rights do not disappear into your husband's rights, thank a feminist. have the right to refuse sex with a diseased husband [or just "husband"], thank a feminist. have the right to keep your medical records confidential from the men in your family, thank a feminist. have the right to read the books you want, thank a feminist. can testify in court about crimes or wrongs your husband has committed, thank a feminist. can choose to be a mother or not a mother in you own time not at the dictates of a husband or rapist, thank a feminist. can look forward to a lifespan of 80 years instead of dying in your 20s from unlimited childbirth, thank a feminist. can see yourself as a full, adult human being instead of a minor who needs to be controlled by a man, thank a feminist.

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